Buyer-Seller matchmaking
for Real Estate Agents

Securely share your needs and wants with other agents. Match your buyer needs with listings. Preview buyer demand on seller leads and much more.

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Realtor Buyer-Seller Matching

Match your buyers’ criteria with listings and get notified when new matches are found. Stay focus on what matters most — your relationships with your clients.

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Digitized “Needs & Wants”

We streamline the sharing of your needs and wants within and outside your brokerage — in a completely safe, secure, and compliant way.

Convert More Listings

Leverage buyer demand to accurately determine the price of listings based on direct agent & buyer feedback.

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Impress Your Sellers

Know in real-time when buyers are interested or not interested in your listings. Get feedback from agents and educate your sellers on what the market is saying about their property. Use Raven to continuously align your listings with the marketplace to get your listings sold for the best price in the shortest time possible.

Match from Anywhere

It’s simple, fast and easy — our native mobile iOS and Android applications allow you to add, update, and be notified of new matches on the go.

Agent Collaboration Made Easy

Collaborate with your team and co-agents in real-time. Connect with any agent on the network and collaborate together.


Easily Sync Your Data

Integrate your CRM and lead generation sources within Raven to easily sync your buyers & sellers. No double entry or manual input required.


Focus on Activities That Matter

Let Raven Pro simplify your process of sharing listings with your clients. Wow your clients with a seamless collaboration experience that reinforces your brand at every touch point.

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Pair With Your Loan Officer

Pair with your loan officer on Raven Pro. Save time and collaborate with your lender on clients in real-time. Share and receive leads with your lender.

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Seamless Client Interface

Your clients will have access to their customized portal to search on mobile or web to mark their interest in properties.


A Targeted Approach

Our matching algorithms learn about your client and recommend additional properties based on their likes and dislikes. Allow your clients to create a hyper-targeted search — including multiple map regions, cities, zip codes, and more.


Unlimited Branded Portals

Extend your personal brand throughout the entire client experience on all devices without noisy ads or cross-promotional agent marketing.

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Stay in the Know

Be notified immediately when your clients are interested in one or multiple properties. Reach out to your clients with real-time information based on their portal activities.


Sharing Made Easy

Easily share new matches and properties with one-click. Share new listings with your clients or other agents — creating a single property page that is branded to you as the agent.


Do More With Less

Save time and stay up-to-date with automated client listing notifications & alerts. Notify your clients automatically of new listings that match their search criteria, giving them the ability to review and decide which properties they like and don’t like.

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Real Estate Agent Plans

Built for every stage of your business.

Working Better Together

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