Let’s get started
A simple step-by-step guide to getting started with Raven.
Once Raven is installed, open it and register by adding your name, email, phone number, and set a password.
MLS Provider & ID
We verify that all agents who join Raven are licensed and active members of an MLS. Enter the name of the MLS you’re a member of (i.e. CRMLS) select it, then enter your MLS ID.
Add a Buyer
- Add a buyer need by tapping the “Add” icon in the bottom left corner.
- Enter your buyer’s criteria and tap the “Add Buyer Need” button.
- Review your criteria under the “Details” tab.
Add a Seller
- Add your seller prospects by tapping the “Add” icon and select “Add Seller”.
- Enter the address, property details and photos if available. Turn on “Enable Matching” to preview the buyer demand for the property without sharing any of the details with other agents or displaying it publicly.
- No need to enter your active MLS listings, they will be populated to your account shortly after we verify your MLS ID.
Review & Update Matches
- Review buyer and seller matches that you have with other agents
- On the listing side, decide if you want to share listing data with other matching agents
- Update the status of each match by marking them “Interested” or “Not Interested”