Easily update your buyers’ matches in one step
Now that your buyers are being matched with all MLS active listings in addition to exempt listings in Raven, you may have noticed an influx in new matches.
Instead of having to click into each match to update it, you can now mark all of a buyer’s active listings as “read” once you view your buyers’ match list screen. Raven will automatically move these active matches to the “In Progress” section, so they aren’t counting towards the app’s home screen badge for matches that need review.
Here’s how:
All off-market listing matches will be prioritized as they still require individual reviewing to be marked as “read.”
Want to generate more targeted seller matches?
Here’s a few tips to refine your buyer criteria.
We’d love to hear your feedback or questions. Send an email to support@raven.re or book a 1-on-1 training with us!