While real estate agents & real estate tech platforms wait for NAR’s Clear Cooperation policy to be implemented at the MLS level, we thought it would make sense to let our agents know how we see the policy affecting the usage of our platform. For the record, here’s the verbiage of Policy 8.0 straight from NAR’s website:
Section: 1.01 – Clear Cooperation
Within one (1) business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants. Public marketing includes, but is not limited to, flyers displayed in windows, yard signs, digital marketing on public facing websites, brokerage website displays (including IDX and VOW), digital communications marketing (email blasts), multi-brokerage listing sharing networks, and applications available to the general public.
To be fair there is more to it with section 1.3 on exempt listings which basically states that listings can still be exempted from the MLS if the agent takes the listing as an Office Exclusive. Continue reading the full policy.
So how does this impact you and your use of Raven? We created a FAQ below to answer some of the common questions we’ve been getting.
FAQ: Raven & MLS Clear Cooperation
How do I remain compliant?
Sharing listings WITHIN your brokerage does not require you to input the property into the MLS within 24 hrs. If you share a coming soon listing OUTSIDE of your brokerage, the MLS Clear Cooperation Policy Rule 8.0 would be in effect, requiring that the property be input into the MLS within 24 hrs.
How does this affect me as an agent?
All REALTORS® and MLS Members must comply if their respective MLS adopts the MLS Clear Cooperation Policy Rule 8.0.
Can I use Raven and be compliant with this policy?
Yes. Raven allows you to share listings with other agents within your brokerage. You can find the agent’s brokerage on the match screen when you are deciding whether to share or not.
Can I add my seller prospects into Raven to receive matches and still be compliant?
Yes. When you add seller prospects into Raven and enable matching only you, the agent who added the listing, know it’s in Raven – we don’t share this information with anyone. You’ll start receiving matches, so you know how much buyer demand there is & who the agents are that are representing the buyers. Remember buyers’ agents don’t even know the property exists in Raven unless you approve the match (ie: share the listing.)
Doesn’t Raven also allow me to share excluded listings with agents outside of my brokerage?
Yes, you (the listing agent) decide who you want to share your listings with. Raven makes it easy to see who the other agent is and which broker they are with when you’re deciding to share the listing.
What do I do if I share an excluded listing with an agent outside of my brokerage?
As of today (Last Updated: 1/30/2020), per the policy verbiage, you would need to put the listing in the MLS within 1 business day from when you shared it.
Does Raven display listings (excluded or active MLS listings) to the public?
No. Raven is only for verified agents. There is no direct access available to the public.
Is Raven sending any data, reports or usage stats to my BOR, MLS or NAR?
No, nada, nothing.
We plan to provide more updates and clarification as more information is released. If we missed a question that you would like answered please send it to us via the chat feature in the lower right hand corner of the screen.